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About Me:

Anchor 1

After starting in the Minor-in-Writing program, I've begun writing for fun. After much experimentation, I feel like I've finally found my niche and something interesting enough to write about (spoiler alert: it's me). As a Catholic lady, and as someone who rarely ever leaves the confines of her room, I didn't think there was much for me to write about. As you'll see, the last couple years of my life have been surprisingly eventful and have made for some good material.

So yes, I'm Catholic. Not necessarily a good one, but a Catholic nonetheless. I'm also a Junior, a dog-person, and an avid accidental-taker-of-naps. I spend way too much time on Twitter and I'm obsessed with all things Christmas, especially corny Christmas rom-coms. Like any college-aged chick, I spend way too much time on social media and Spotify. Nothing extraordinary.


I recently got out of an abusive two year relationship. In terms of being proud of myself, that's right up there with being admitted into the University of Michigan. This story--memoir, if you will--is part of my attempt to reshape the past couple years of my life into something more enjoyable. I hope you find it enjoyable too  :)


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