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i thought college was going to be a lot different.

I was told that college was going to be some of the best four years of my life. I was lied to because:
  •  I'm gonna be in school for a long time (gonna get that PhD, baby).
  •  I can wholeheartedly say that I have spent most of my time at college crying and wishing I was somewhere else.
  • At the very least, it's literally just four years of feeling inadequate and crappy food.
  • No pets.
These things definitely suck, but there are also tons of ways of making college not suck. And I didn't really start to do any of them until my Junior year. I'm gonna preface this by saying that my upbringing left me with some judgmental religious complex that was really hard to get past. It's a lot easier to say than do, but if you do your best to be accepting of other people's habits, or at the very least, try and surround yourself with people with similar values, it becomes a lot easier to develop a support system so that you can get through the crappy food, no pets, and the stress of classes. Where you live and who you live with really matters, and that's why my first two years mostly sucked. I just wallowed in the suckiness and did nothing to better it. Don't pull a me and you'll be fine.
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